Summer Project

 1)Narrative-There is drama as there is a feud between aliens and humans as April takes back control of her heart from the shadowkin
Character-April can be seen as a Villain as she sliced her fathers arm with her sword
Also Ram also is shown as the hero as she stops April from killing her dad.

Iconogrophy-There is a glow in Aprils Eye which is simalir to the colour of the shadow kin which shows the link between the two and that they are both connected.

Setting:The settings are Aprils garden and the World of Shadow Kin these are important as April goes in a portal to the shadow kin world.

2)CLip 2
Narrative-The story is told as there are two characters discussing a murder.Also I believe there is some sort of expirement that has happened as she is left on her own towards the end of the clip.

Character:We see the main character is very lonely as she has only her dog as a friend.Also we see she has a dark past as the two characters talk about her commiting a murder during an experiment

Iconography-We can see one of the characters are not human as theres is a pattern on her face made by make up.

Setting:We can see she is on a island with a forest and beach the island looks very bland and empty as it looks like she is one of the only people on the island.

3)Clip 3)

Narrative:The opening scene shows the children being attacked by an alien which leads into Eleven killing the alien with some sort of superhuman powers .
Characters:Eleven seems like a different species as he kills the alien with some type of superhuman power.Also there is some sort of alien that attempts to attack the children.

Iconography.There is some sort of inhuman species and a human with inhuman/superhuman powers .We can see the children getting attacked in a lab by the aliens.Also there is some makeup used to make Eleven look like he is bleeding.Also there is slow motion and flashing when Eleven is killing the alien to build tension.

settings:The scene seems like a classroom inside a school during the night.

TV Drama Planning
Name-World Collision

Hook-THe show is set in a dystopian world where aliens have invaded the earth and started to attack people .THere are a few people that try to rebel against the aliens.

Narrative-THe world has been invaded by aliens and there are a group of people that escape the aliens and try to rebel against them and save the world.

Narrative Resolution-The main character will escape from the alien and try to hide from it.

Information about the location-Im not sure

Information about main character-A young man from London that has been captured by the aliens.

The other character is a antagonist that is a alien .
I need a alien mask as a prop.

There is a lot of Action which could appeal a teenage audience.

Statement Of intent

I am going to create a Science Fiction Show based in a dystopian universe which is going to contain a Protagonist that escapes from a alien also I am going to use CGI to create a portal which the alien teleports from.The Storyline is that the protagonist escapes from the alien that captured him and tries to hide so he does not get killed


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