Language and representation blog tasks

 1)In the the doctor ignores the women and does not respect her and also the child argues with her parents.Whicshowhave enjoyed it as much because not much people were interested in science at the time.

3)When the girl starts dancing you can tell it is weird because she does weird dance moves that are unearthly and the title is unearthly child and the character is Susanne the unearhtly child.Also it is in a classroom .Also she corrects a history book which shows she is very smart.

4)The equilibri h  show children disrespect  their parents and that women arent as respected as woman.

2)They would not um was that Susanne is smarter  than her teachers the disruption is that she lives in a junk yard  the recognition is they go to her house and the new equilibirum is they are stuck in the tardis.

5)The unearthly child fits into the protagonist(Hero) the doctor is the villain the teachers are helpers.


7)The doctor ignores the women teacher and only listens to the man this could start drama.

8)The men are more important as the doctor only speaks to the man and ignores the women .This shows the society views at the time.

9)Women are seen as less important as  the teacher is ignored by the doctor as he believes she is a lower class as she isnt male.

10)At thee time the stereotypes were older people were more respected and younger children argued with there parents and rebeled against them.

11)Everyone in the episode is white this shows that the UK was not as diverse in the 60s

12)The men are higher class than the women as the women are seen as less important as the doctor ignores the lady .


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