Doctor Strange Blog task
1)Disney and Marvel and IMAX as they gave marvel the Imax format
2)When a big company owns a smaller one for example Disney owning Marvel.
4)It was given 12a as some children may be scared of the fantasy violence for example getting stabbed.
5)They did a interview with IMAX to promote the film
6)It is recorded in 4 different expensive countries these are UK USA Hong Kong Nepal.Also it is recorded in IMAX .Also it has a big actor that is Benedict Cummerbatch.In addition it has a big budget.Also they released Doctor Strange for thanksgiving this is effective as Americans may watch the film to celebrate thanksgiving.All Marvel Films are Blockbuster.Also there is synergy as there are comics and Doctor Strange appears.Doctor Strange made more than double its budget.In addition there were a lot of high quality effects.In addition they had to use very expensive cameras to render the film in IMAX format.Also they pay a lot of money to get a crew to go to mount Everest to record some of the scenes.In addition some scenes are in Central London which is a very expensive place to record a film.In addition the car crash may of costed a lot as it was a expensive car that was crashed.
7)165 million dollars
8)It is not as successful as some marvel movies but still made 700 million .As AVengers Endgame made 2.8 Billion Dollars
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