October Test LR

 WWW-A very solid first assessment in media with clear potential To go higher.The first few questions show good knowledge of terminology and clear focus of terminology and clear focus on the questions.

EBI-The higher mark questions are holding you back you need longer answers with more clarity.

Work on you're handwriting it could cost you marks in you're GCSE.

Grade:5          Total:17 

Q1:1/1 Q2:1/1 Q3:2/2 Q4:2/2 Q5:2/2  Q6:3/3 Q7:2/2 Q8:2/4 9:3/8

I didn't receive full marks in question 8 because I did not show enough detail also I didn't do much references.

I didn't receive full marks in question 9 because I didn't use enough media terminology and it was to short for an 8 mark question.

One of my stronger questions was question 6 as I got 3/3 this is because I used a lot of detail about the credits below the poster in addition I wrote about how the text was under the characters.

One of my weaker questions is Q.9 this is because I only had 1 minute to do it and it was a 8 marker also there was not much detail as it was rushed.

Redraft Q.9:

 Firstly the charity use the child as most viewers are parents and will probably compare them to their child.Also charities usually use controversial images so the media talks about it so many people will donate.Also if the consumers see a child they will want to protect them by donating.In addition the problem is recognisable as it is a certain place in the world with a lack of clean water which has caused many deaths.

In addition charities use children in their advertising  as they are innocent and vulnerable.For example cancer charities use children in their adverts.Also it makes the viewers feel bad for the children which will make them feel guilty if they do not donate.Also it is a sensitive subject so the viewers will try to think about how the children feel.


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