The target audience for the film Captain Marvel is probably12-30.The film was rated 12A byy the BFFC.Their is probably no target gender because it is a female superhero film. 

The Captain Marvel film poster is recognisable as their is a explosion in the background and the main character Captain Marvel stands out from everything else.The actors names are at the top of the poster.The words Captain Marvel are the largest text on the poster this is why it stands out.

The Film Captain Marvel made about 1.128 Billion USA Dollars.The film stars Brie Larson.

The main character is Captain Marvel and she is in the center of the poster.This kills the stereotype that all SuperHeroes are male.This is a great idea from Marvel as most superheroes films main characters are male.The film is about Captain Marvel saving the earth.This represents that she is very powerful.


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